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SEI Idea Portal
Status Submitted
Workspace HC-DPS-EI: ZFP
Created by Guido Heyns
Created on Jun 27, 2022

Adapt the PIV viewer so it could run in a standalone EDGE.

No description provided

The current situation is that we launch the PIV with EDGE from our Electronic Patient File. Afterwards EDGE sub-launches de IE so the all documents could be seen from the PIV viewer.

Operationally everything is working.

I would like, even though, to ask GE representatives if you could forward some feedback from us to the development team of the next PIV versions: To adapt the PIV viewer so it could run in a standalone EDGE.

  • Gregorio Gonzalo Garcia-Calvo
    Jun 29, 2022

    Hi Guy, could you please provide more details? I do not completely understand which is the request here