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SEI Idea Portal
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Workspace HC-DPS-EI: UVCard
Created by Guido Heyns
Created on Oct 12, 2022

View the presence of the priors in the EchoPac plug in without user interaction or speed loss

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With EchoPac stand alone, if the prior exams are on the local drive, user seen immediately see the prior exams fully pre-loaded. Also in image browser, the prior exams and images are immediately there.

In the EchoPac plug in version, this is not the case. User needs to click on the dates, then confirm the loading of the exam on a different screen location (2 clicks on different screen locations). Also, in the image browser, the previous exams are not even visible. It would already be of help if the lines were there so that end user can indeed see in the image browser that there are priors. It would be better - without time loss!!!!! - that priors ware also pre-loaded in the image browser of the plug in without user interaction and without timeloss.