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Workspace HC-DPS-EI: UVRad
Created by Kanika Kashyap
Created on May 14, 2024

Hanging Protocols with viewports in GS do not display the title bar information properly

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  • Discuss the case with Tina Chandler and got help on this case.

  • Now we are able to view the date and time in the viewport title bar.

  • By changing the Hanging protocol settings. The settings currently done for single monitor. If required comparison of studies on dual monitor then hanging protocol need to change.

  • Steps perform are mention below.

  1. select done option-->create/edit

  2. From Layout Editor-->select hanging protocol.

  3. Filter-->select common and uncheck All screen size.

  4. From Available fields selected CR-1M Primary OV and added it to Assign fields. if customer requested for comparison study then select CR-1M P Comp OV.

  5. Save As ---> enter name 'System CR UV' -->used by personal then OK.

Recommended to utilize OV HP for CR/DX and enable Auto-Scroll for CR/DX in Navigator Options so user may scroll through images as they can in Global Stack.

Customer said : Hanging Protocols with viewports in GS do not display the title bar information properly