Discuss the case with Tina Chandler and got help on this case.
Now we are able to view the date and time in the viewport title bar.
By changing the Hanging protocol settings. The settings currently done for single monitor. If required comparison of studies on dual monitor then hanging protocol need to change.
Steps perform are mention below.
select done option-->create/edit
From Layout Editor-->select hanging protocol.
Filter-->select common and uncheck All screen size.
From Available fields selected CR-1M Primary OV and added it to Assign fields. if customer requested for comparison study then select CR-1M P Comp OV.
Save As ---> enter name 'System CR UV' -->used by personal then OK.
Recommended to utilize OV HP for CR/DX and enable Auto-Scroll for CR/DX in Navigator Options so user may scroll through images as they can in Global Stack.
Customer said : Hanging Protocols with viewports in GS do not display the title bar information properly