The following tag: 0008,0022, Acquisition Date should be available for selection to display in UV overlay. Currently in UV, the following tags can be selected 0008,0032, Acquisition time, 0008,0020,Study Date, 0008,0021,Series Date and 0008,0023,Image Date. However, there are times when the user is required to display the acquisition date (0008, 0022) specifically and this needs to be selectable. |
another comment: it seems that series date/hour and image date/hour are not always populated as DICOM TAG. So it could happens that picking up one of them the field is empty and date information is not available at all
study date is order date -> so if order arrives at 04/03 at 23:58 and images are aquired on 05/03 at 00:10. For low requirement they are interested when images arrived because it means images are ready to be reported
series date/image date -> if a post processing series is archived in PACS, for that series, UV shows the date of postprocessed series. So for the same exam, UV shows different dates. One date for original exam and another one for postprocesed series.
acquisition date is the original date on when images are acquired and is the same also for postprocessed.
Customer complain about availability of acquisition time but acquisition date is missing