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SEI Idea Portal
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Workspace HC-DPS-EI: UVRad
Created by Mandy Bradford
Created on Sep 29, 2023

Ability to have image grouping for other modalities outside of MRI and MG (Example of US like RA1000 being able to display by parameter)

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Customers who are currently using RA1000 have the ability to change the image group parameter for all modality types between (Dicom and Parameter) when this setting is updated in RA1000 it will break out the exam into series (changing from Dicom to parameter specifically for ultrasound) the series will be listed as 1a, 1b, 1c etc. in UV there is not an option to configure the ultrasound image grouping to allow the same functionality for the user displaying the single acquired dicom series as parameters. This has caused some user frustration and adoption issues when converting an RA1000 site to UV.

Allowing image grouping to be determined at a user level will assist with users who are coming off an RA1000 platform and would like to see some of the same series they are seeing today.

Right now image grouping in UV is managed at the UV Admin desktop level for only MRI and MG.