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SEI Idea Portal
Status Submitted
Workspace HC-DPS-EI: UVRad
Created by Liane Grüttner
Created on Aug 23, 2023

Triangulation different icon > avoid overlapping

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The customer requests a a different icon which marks the ROI, when using triangulation functionality. The current icon overlaps the ROI.

Open study > open series from all three dimensions > choose triangulation > mark a ROI in one dimension => the icon marks the ROI on other dimensions and at the same time overlaps what the doctor wants to see.

Disabling triangulation after marking the ROI is not an option, since triangulation is also used during scrolling, to follow the ROI in all 3 dimensions.

Optional: possibility to customize icon per user e.g. in the navigator settings, where the anchor can be customized.

Requested shape icon in the attachments.