NBI HP STEP NEEDS BETTER BEHAVIOR WHEN LOADING STUDIES THAT DO NOT MEET THE CRITERIA OF HP STEP Pre- req: UV ADMIN Nav setting config order = BD, 2D, 2D SYN, PLANES, SLABS Pre-req GENERIC HP step: Generic Steps that do not include SOP or IMG label. Allow steps to load based on UV Nav Setting config order. Pre-req CONFIG HP step: HP Configured to load images based on IMG label Dataset- req:
Description of Issue: When user opens a study that has comparisons that do not have a full dataset ie Comp 2 and Comp 3 = No 2D Regs.
User expectation on GENERIC HP STEPS: User expects system to follow the nav configuration regardless if dataset exist or not. Current system behavior: GENERIC HP STEPS: When having a generic HP the system considers all comparisons as part of the overlay loading display. Therefore system it loads the 2D syn views as these meet the criteria on all comparisons. |