Customer wants to use thin clients which runs remote applications. This is similar to Citrix use case. The comment by Nicole is the technical description how the PC name is identified in such Terminal Services environment. Actually the console is acting as PC in RIS-i MFD to which the printer can be assigned.
Customer should try this approach as first solution for the established virtualized environment.
The customer prints with a virtual printer which always has the same name and which exists on all machines. Then they can go to any printer and provide their id card, then all printouts will end up on this printer
Assignment to user is not enough. It must be ensured that console used for the virtualization environment has the printer also installed. Otherwise the print will not be possible. This automatic printer installation must be part of the solution.
Solution will be available with V7 SP3 (customer paid for the feature).
Customer wants to use thin clients which runs remote applications. This is similar to Citrix use case. The comment by Nicole is the technical description how the PC name is identified in such Terminal Services environment. Actually the console is acting as PC in RIS-i MFD to which the printer can be assigned.
Customer should try this approach as first solution for the established virtualized environment.
One additional point: The function mentioned by Nicole is only called if SystemMetrix(SM_REMOTESESSION) is set. See GetSystemMetrics function (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs.
We assume that this is set for the thin clients as well.
existierende Funktionalität
Swing client:
Aufruf von WTSQuerySessionInformationA function (wtsapi32.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
mit parameter WTSClientName aus WTS_INFO_CLASS (wtsapi32.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
-> Wenn Sessioninformation gefüllt ist, wird dieser Name als RIS-PC-Name verwendet.
The customer prints with a virtual printer which always has the same name and which exists on all machines. Then they can go to any printer and provide their id card, then all printouts will end up on this printer
Assignment to user is not enough. It must be ensured that console used for the virtualization environment has the printer also installed. Otherwise the print will not be possible. This automatic printer installation must be part of the solution.