If I understand correctly for all the requested fields it must be possible to receive/send these via HL7 interface?
<Answer:> Yes
Can you specify the needed fields (e.g. instead of 10 text fields on procedure level naming the fields related to planned content)?
<Answer:> differ from institute/site specific according to workflow/ currently utilized information.
Are the fields common for all the EMR projects?
<Answer:> No, It depends on site specific requirements.
As revenue are 20M USD mentioned - do we have these projects in the pipeline? What would be the risk not having this enhancement (either as additional MISC fields or as separate fields) - would we lose customers because of this? Would we sell more projects if we develop this feature/add. fields?
<Answer:> We have lost one large IB, currently the remaining IB's are demanding us to commit & deliver in SP5 and all the site infra upgrade activities are on hold.
All our ASEAN, ANZ and HK customers are required this additional fields.
We have the same request from a customer in Australia. They want the 25 patient level and 25 procedure level MFD miscellaneous fields, all of which need to be able to send/receive via HL7 interface. The customer has indicated that there are future projects that will require this amount with extra to account for any additional requirements.
We do not have any Free fields. We have used them all up.
The nationwide projects still require to customize fields for individual hospitals.
20 M USD is for future Upgrades. If we cannot provide the additional free fields the will not consider us for the next tender and future projects like woodlands which is to be implemented will be at risk.
Risk for the following projects.
Woodlands deployment next year
NEHR integration projects
NHGD upgrade project next year
NTFGH upgrade project next year
KTPH upgrade project in 2 years
NUH , TTSH, NHGD and NNI - RIS V7.0 SP2 project deployments will be in Hold.
As discussed in last TRUST meeting it is not planned to increase the number of MISC fields in general and the question was if it is possible to name the needed fields for the EMR project in order to check if these can be added as separate fields on the according level.
The mentioned case only lists how many fields are requested on which level but not for what kind of infmormation these fields are used:
Procedure Level
10 Text Field
10 LOV
5 Boolean
5 Date
Patient Level
10 Text Field
10 LOV
5 Boolean
5 Date
Visit Level -> doesn't exist, procedure level?
10 Text Field
10 Lov Field
If I understand correctly for all the requested fields it must be possible to receive/send these via HL7 interface?
Can you specify the needed fields (e.g. instead of 10 text fields on procedure level naming the fields related to planned content)?
Are the fields common for all the EMR projects?
As revenue are 20M USD mentioned - do we have these projects in the pipeline? What would be the risk not having this enhancement (either as additional MISC fields or as separate fields) - would we lose customers because of this? Would we sell more projects if we develop this feature/add. fields?
In general: Although if the final decision would be to add additional fields this won't be done until end of August this year! The very earliest timeline would be end of 2022 - for now the feature is not even planned for V7 SP4. If the real risk of revenue is becoming clearer we will discuss the topic in RIS-i development again.
Thanks Nicole.
If I understand correctly for all the requested fields it must be possible to receive/send these via HL7 interface?
<Answer:> Yes
Can you specify the needed fields (e.g. instead of 10 text fields on procedure level naming the fields related to planned content)?
<Answer:> differ from institute/site specific according to workflow/ currently utilized information.
Are the fields common for all the EMR projects?
<Answer:> No, It depends on site specific requirements.
As revenue are 20M USD mentioned - do we have these projects in the pipeline? What would be the risk not having this enhancement (either as additional MISC fields or as separate fields) - would we lose customers because of this? Would we sell more projects if we develop this feature/add. fields?
<Answer:> We have lost one large IB, currently the remaining IB's are demanding us to commit & deliver in SP5 and all the site infra upgrade activities are on hold.
All our ASEAN, ANZ and HK customers are required this additional fields.
CC: Mark, Craig, Dinesh
Hi Dinesh and Nicole,
We have the same request from a customer in Australia. They want the 25 patient level and 25 procedure level MFD miscellaneous fields, all of which need to be able to send/receive via HL7 interface. The customer has indicated that there are future projects that will require this amount with extra to account for any additional requirements.
We consoldiated the requirements in the attached Template below. Please help assist with the requirements.
We do not have any Free fields. We have used them all up.
The nationwide projects still require to customize fields for individual hospitals.
20 M USD is for future Upgrades. If we cannot provide the additional free fields the will not consider us for the next tender and future projects like woodlands which is to be implemented will be at risk.
Risk for the following projects.
Woodlands deployment next year
NEHR integration projects
NHGD upgrade project next year
NTFGH upgrade project next year
KTPH upgrade project in 2 years
NUH , TTSH, NHGD and NNI - RIS V7.0 SP2 project deployments will be in Hold.
As discussed in last TRUST meeting it is not planned to increase the number of MISC fields in general and the question was if it is possible to name the needed fields for the EMR project in order to check if these can be added as separate fields on the according level.
The mentioned case only lists how many fields are requested on which level but not for what kind of infmormation these fields are used:
Procedure Level
10 Text Field
10 LOV
5 Boolean
5 Date
Patient Level
10 Text Field
10 LOV
5 Boolean
5 Date
Visit Level -> doesn't exist, procedure level?
10 Text Field
10 Lov Field
If I understand correctly for all the requested fields it must be possible to receive/send these via HL7 interface?
Can you specify the needed fields (e.g. instead of 10 text fields on procedure level naming the fields related to planned content)?
Are the fields common for all the EMR projects?
As revenue are 20M USD mentioned - do we have these projects in the pipeline? What would be the risk not having this enhancement (either as additional MISC fields or as separate fields) - would we lose customers because of this? Would we sell more projects if we develop this feature/add. fields?
In general: Although if the final decision would be to add additional fields this won't be done until end of August this year! The very earliest timeline would be end of 2022 - for now the feature is not even planned for V7 SP4. If the real risk of revenue is becoming clearer we will discuss the topic in RIS-i development again.