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SEI Idea Portal
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Workspace HC-DPS-EI: WFM
Created by Simona Di Lauro
Created on Mar 9, 2023

WFM to support RISi - XER

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Different versions of WFM should coexist on the same client to be able to support different PACS versions and work together with RIS-i global worklist.

( this should be already supported but it needs to be tested).

In a Cross Enterprise Reporting ( RIS-i) , from the global worklist the local viewer were the exam was performed should be launched.

( this is a RIS-i -UV Viewer functionality that should be already supported but should be tested having sites with different back-ends ETP/CPACS and PACS IW)

WFM should be able to login from the same client to different versions and to launch the viewer.

WFM should ideally support to be launched and logged in from RISi