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SEI Idea Portal
Status Approved
Workspace HC-DPS-EI: WFM
Created by Simona Di Lauro
Created on Apr 26, 2023

WFM to support National Patient Identifier (INS) [F12023]

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In France the Digital Health Agency (Agence du Numérique en Santé, ANS) is requesting that every healthcare facility uses a National Patient Identifier (INS) to identify patients across healthcare organization, as you may already know. This requirement goes with a strong one for the DICOM image header : we must add this patient identifier along with its Domain Identifier into the Other Patient IDs sequence. So, we need the PACS to be able to add this DICOM sequence to the DICOM header, when the images are exported from the PACS, and also to use this patient identification sequence to profile incoming image when they come from other healthcare organizations.

  • Sara Parsons
    Apr 27, 2023

    This is now mandatory from the french government. All French region deals have this as a requirement, and puts deals for Western Europe at serious risk.
    The Business case is
    Normandy Region - 10 Millions euros
    IMAG between 3 and 5 Millions Euros
    Dijon X k€,
    Strasbourg X k€