Currently the view for EA to find unreferenced files only looks at files that do not reference a series. However we see in the field that sometimes for whatever reason during maintenance EA cannot find the dcm files to populate the tar file it just created which leaves an empty tar file (usual 1k) on disk and an entry in tblfile with an _id2file of -1. These build up very quickly as the same missing files will be targeted for maint each time it is run, using up available idfile ids. I suggest we add -1 to the viewunreferencedfile view along with _id2file is NULL. Proposed change would be from this: SELECT idFile, DeleteAt, State FROM dbo.tblFile WHERE _Id2File IS NULL to this: SELECT idFile, DeleteAt, State FROM dbo.tblFile WHERE (_Id2File IS NULL) or (_id2file = -1) |
Hi Richard,
Thank you for submitting this idea. We have created a defect in ALM, SPR 16748: “Unreferenced file deleter fails to delete empty tar-files created by Library Maintenance” related to this request. We are planning to address this in the EA 8 SP1.0.0 release currently targeted for Q2, 2024.
Best regards
Currently the view for EA to find unreferenced files only looks at files that do not reference a series. However we see in the field that sometimes for whatever reason during maintenance EA cannot find the dcm files to populate the tar file it just created which leaves an empty tar file (usual 1k) and an entry in tblfile with an _id2file of -1.
This build up very quickly as the same missing files will be targeted for maint each time it is run.
I suggest we add -1 to the viewunreferencedfile view along with _id2file is NULL.
Proposed change would be from this:
SELECT idFile, DeleteAt, State
FROM dbo.tblFile
to this:
SELECT idFile, DeleteAt, State
FROM dbo.tblFile
WHERE (_Id2File IS NULL) or (_id2file = -1)