After noting 99% Memory untilization, did a planned restart of primary EA SQL server - AHCS9595 After 30 minutes of MS Patch installation, the Server is now running at 15% Memory and 20% CPU utilization. Still noted the following shadow errors:
Noted KB 000046861 and 000048925, which both detail the shadow status store proc deficiencies.
After checking that ShadowStatus NULL does not exist in archive LGHARCH1, Modified both : spNonShadowedStudies spNonShadowedInstances to remove the "ShadowStatus IS NULL" qualifier.
BEGIN SELECT TOP(@MaxResults) [00080018] AS Id FROM tblDICOMStudy WITH (READPAST) INNER JOIN tblDICOMSeries WITH (READPAST) ON Id1=_Id1 INNER JOIN tblDICOMImage WITH (READPAST, INDEX(IX_tblDICOMImage_Shadow)) ON Id2=_Id2 WHERE [0020000D] = @StudyId AND (ShadowStatus=0 ) --OR ShadowStatus IS NULL) AND (StudyHidden=0 OR StudyHidden IS NULL) END
Shadowing is now resumed and appears to be processing properly without a negative impact to AIM Archive processing status. Will continue to monitor. |
Added to future release.