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SEI Idea Portal
Status Approved
Created by Richard Guadagnini
Created on Sep 24, 2021

Add with (nolock) to stored procedures which grab the oldest job

No description provided

At sites with huge back logs in tables like rsconnect..tblpendingevent, HEALTHCARE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT SERVICES for example had 14 million rows, the "spTakeOldestOwnedStudyManagementJob" was taking too long to assign ownership and the table kept growing instead of processing due to locking issues.

To get around this we added a (nolock) to the 2 selects of ownership query and since the job (and others like it) grab the oldest job pending there is no reason to lock the entire table.

This is the edited code:

UPDATE tblPendingEvent

SET State = 1 /* STATE_EXECUTING */, OwnershipExpiration = @OwnershipExpiration

FROM (SELECT TOP 1 IDPendingEvent FROM tblPendingEvent t2 (nolock)

WHERE Owner = @Owner AND

TimeExecute <= @Now AND

State <> 3 /* Unrecoverable */ AND

/* Only one event must be pending per target AE Title */

NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblPendingEvent (nolock) t_Pending_For_TargetAETitle

WHERE (t_Pending_For_TargetAETitle.State = 1 /* Executing */ AND t_Pending_For_TargetAETitle.OwnershipExpiration > @now)

AND t2.AETitleHost = t_Pending_For_TargetAETitle.AETitleHost

AND t2.IDPendingEvent <> t_Pending_For_TargetAETitle.IDPendingEvent


ORDER BY TimeExecute ASC) t1

WHERE tblPendingEvent.IDPendingEvent = t1.IDPendingEvent;



Adding the (nolock) to those 2 selects greatly improved the speed at which these events get handled and despite thousands of new event being inserted daily the back log continues to decrease.

  • Admin
    Balaji Pandipotla
    Apr 4, 2022

    Added to future release backlog.