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SEI Idea Portal
Status Planned
Created by Richard Guadagnini
Created on May 21, 2021

When EA sets an Archive Offline in tblarchive there should be a configuration to notify the SA

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When EA senses it cannot communicate or get access to an archive DB it will set set the archive offline by setting enabled = 0 in tblarchive to and as such, it becomes inaccessible.

This will impact workflow and patient care at UPMC and many other sites with EA backends.

UPMC does not get informed when that happens.
UPMC (and all other customers) need an email option to communicate to users in the EA when a DB is set off line for whatever reason.

  • Admin
    Balaji Pandipotla
    Jun 17, 2021

    Currently we are evaluating the ask with in the EA product management, we shall take the appropriate step on this soon.