Advocate requests enhancement to CATool CKEY_USAGE_MONITORING, that commas be placed in the number of ckeys left to make it more readable.
Currently the user interface says for example "Last updated: Dec 13, 2024.The system available image Ckeys are more than 300,000,000 (image_ckey remaining 4294944127, image_attr remaining 4294944127). The system currently has sufficient remaining Ckeys to operate properly. Please monitor every 2 weeks."
Customer would like this to read: "image_ckey remaining 4,294,944,127, image_attr remaining 4,294,944,127"
With commas to make the numbers easier to interpret.
This feature request is cosmetic in nature and therefore has a rather low priority. In addition to that the formatting of numbers is not globally common, and therefore the request might need differ depending on customer location. We will not consider this request.