PIX site dicom sends fail when user selects PIX domain from UV and patients exams that are on multiple domains and the MRN shows blank for some of the exams in the Domain they selected. What is happening is that CPACS will perform the dicom send and send the exams using the domain selected. If the exam is from a different domain then the MRN is blank and it will send a blank MRN. This is causing it to fail on Life Imaging as well as the cd burners.
Customer wants to be able to perform dicom sends and have the exams use the MRNs from the correct domains where they have MRNs.
Users search for Patient in UV
-Some of the patient exams will have MRNs and some may not
-If patient has exams on other PIX Domains then exams that were sent in to the other PIX domain for this patient will show up with no MRN
Users DICOM Send all of the patients exams to Life Image or any of the CD Burners
CPACS DICOM sends all the exam but only uses the MRN associated with the PIX domain they are set to in UV
So any of the patients exams that are on a different PIX Domain that patients MRN will be blank and the DICOM sends will fail.
The DICOM sends fail on the Life Imaging side and the CD Burner side due to blank MRN.